They were marigolds and orange – one of my favorite colors. Orange is a lively, high-energy color. Just by looking at it, you sense a kind of vibrancy you don’t get with other colors. As a snack, oranges, cut up in a bowl and sprinkled with sea salt and red pepper, almost can’t be beat. Typing those words made my mouth water…and it just so happens that I have a bag of oranges at home, so you know that’s what I’ll be having later today.
Do you remember the gummy candy shaped like orange wedges? My elementary school teacher brought these sweets to class, and we’d enjoy them at recess or when celebrating someone’s birthday.
Mmm…orange creamsicles. Remember those, too? They were one of my favorite treats. The tangy flavor, mixed with the sweet cream inside, made the perfect popsicle at our family’s regular weekend barbecues in the park – thanks to my mother, who knew exactly what her children’s taste was.
And what about Orange Crush? I remember quenching my thirst with this drink what seems like ages ago. Thank goodness that’s old news! (Oh my! All that sugar!) Still, the memory is nice to revisit once and a while. The brightly colored fizz was so yummy when it was iced…but I digress.
Now I quench my thirst with freshly squeezed orange juice. All the brightness of the color of the sun (and the vitamin C it packs inside those juicy slices) but without the added sugar. What’s not to like?!
I have an orange tank top that happens to be one of my favorites, too. When I wear it, I feel energized. In writing this article, I came across “The Color Psychology of Orange” by Kendra Cherry on the VeryWellMind website. I was delighted to read that many people experience orange as associated with positive feelings of enthusiasm, excitement, playfulness, and joy. I was especially excited to discover that this color has connections with meditation and mindfulness, as well as other spiritual practices.
So, when my peer, Forooza, arrived at my massage therapy business, Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts, here in San Ramon, I was overjoyed to see in her hands – orange marigolds – fully bloomed and brilliantly hued in a glass jar. As she handed them to me, I immediately took in the refreshing scent.
The marigolds reminded me of our sweet orange essential oil at Nature’s Whisper Healing Arts. I enjoy taking a whiff of it when I need a pick-me-up.
In this fall season, if orange surrounds you on your autumnal walks, drink it in with your eyes. Or, if you are fortunate enough to have an orange tree in your neighborhood, breathe in that heady citrusy smell.
Tell us, next time you schedule your massage with us, whether you would like us to include a few drops of orange essential oil aromatherapy. Let this sweet orange lift carry you from the relaxation of your massage into your next activity.
